

Gradle ====== Gradle plugin for verifying pacts against a provider. The Gradle plugin creates a task `pactVerify` to your build which will verify all configured pacts against your provider. __*Important Note: Any properties that need to be set when using the Gradle plugin need to be provided with `-P` and not `-D` as with the other Pact-JVM modules!*__ ## To Use It ### For Gradle versions 2.1+ ```groovy plugins { id "" version "4.1.0" } ``` ### For Gradle versions prior to 2.1 #### 1.1. Add the gradle jar file to your build script class path: ```groovy buildscript { repositories { mavenCentral() } dependencies { classpath '' } } ``` #### 1.2. Apply the pact plugin ```groovy apply plugin: '' ``` ### 2. Define the pacts between your consumers and providers ```groovy pact { serviceProviders { // You can define as many as you need, but each must have a unique name provider1 { // All the provider properties are optional, and have sensible defaults (shown below) protocol = 'http' host = 'localhost' port = 8080 path = '/' // Again, you can define as many consumers for each provider as you need, but each must have a unique name hasPactWith('consumer1') { // currently supports a file path using file() or a URL using url() pactSource = file('path/to/provider1-consumer1-pact.json') } // Or if you have many pact files in a directory hasPactsWith('manyConsumers') { // Will define a consumer for each pact file in the directory. // Consumer name is read from contents of pact file pactFileLocation = file('path/to/pacts') } } } } ``` ### 3. Execute `gradle pactVerify` # Project Properties The following project properties can be specified with `-Pproperty=value` on the command line: |Property|Description| |--------|-----------| |`pact.showStacktrace`|This turns on stacktrace printing for each request. It can help with diagnosing network errors| |`pact.showFullDiff`|This turns on displaying the full diff of the expected versus actual bodies| |`pact.filter.consumers`|Comma seperated list of consumer names to verify| |`pact.filter.description`|Only verify interactions whose description match the provided regular expression| |`pact.filter.providerState`|Only verify interactions whose provider state match the provided regular expression. An empty string matches interactions that have no state| |`pact.filter.pacturl`|This filter allows just the just the changed pact specified in a webhook to be run. It should be used in conjunction with `pact.filter.consumers` | |`pact.verifier.publishResults`|Publishing of verification results will be skipped unless this property is set to 'true'| |`pact.matching.wildcard`|Enables matching of map values ignoring the keys when this property is set to 'true'| |`pact.verifier.disableUrlPathDecoding`|Disables decoding of request paths| |`pact.pactbroker.httpclient.usePreemptiveAuthentication`|Enables preemptive authentication with the pact broker when set to `true`| |`pact.provider.tag`|Sets the provider tag to push before publishing verification results (can use a comma separated list)| |`pact.content_type.override.<TYPE>.<SUBTYPE>=<VAL>` where `<VAL>` may be `text` or `binary`|Overrides the handling of a particular content type [4.1.3+]| ## Specifying the provider hostname at runtime If you need to calculate the provider hostname at runtime, you can give a Closure as the provider `host`. ```groovy pact { serviceProviders { provider1 { host = { lookupHostName() }

Compile залежностей (1)

Група / Артефакт Версія Нова Версія » provider 4.1.17 4.6.11

Runtime залежностей (1)

Група / Артефакт Версія Нова Версія
com.github.ajalt » mordant 1.2.1 На